Norms of Discipline
School expects of every student to contribute towards the discipline of the school.
- 01. No one should be late for school.
- 02 They should come to school in clean, neat and proper uniform.
- 1. Those coming in crumpled or stained uniforms or unpolished shoes are liable to be sent back home or fined. A slip/vest must be worn. No fancy or costly ornaments should be worn.
- 2. Growing of nails and using of nail polish is forbidden.
- 3. Long hair is to be tied with sky blue ribbons or same coloured hair bands.
- 03. Every student must carry his/her identity card to school every day.
- 04. Students must speak English even in their private conversation in the school.
- 05. It is vitally important that changes in residence/ office address and telephone numbers be communicated in writing to the office immediately when they occur.
- 06. Care must be exercised for all school property and no student should scratch the desk or any other furniture. They
should not write or draw anything on any furniture or wall. Things belonging to others should not be damaged. Damage done by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or the Principal. Anyone who sees something damaged should report the matter even if he/she does not know who has done it.
- 07. Order must be the hall-mark of the school.
- 08. It is the duty of all the students to keep their classrooms and other places in and around the school, clean and orderly; they should cultivate the habits of using the dustbin.
- 09. No pupil is allowed to write on the black board unless asked to do by the teacher.
- 10. Pupils are forbidden to bring crackers, explosives, harmful instruments and other dangerous materials to school.
- 11. The school reserves to itself the right to suspend/dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is unsatisfactory
or whose conduct is harmful to other student or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards,
immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority, willful damage to property repeated in disciplined behavior
and repeated absenteeism are sufficient reasons for immediate suspension/ dismissal.
- 12. Students who have been suspended will not be permitted to be a part of school excursions and other such school activities.
- 13. Special care must be taken by teachers and pupils to maintain an atmosphere of silence and serious work during class hours.
- 14. During the recess, pupils are expected to leave the class rooms and go to the playground. No student may leave his/her class in between teaching periods.
- 15. The school is not responsible for goods or money lost. Students are not permitted to bring valuable articles (like expensive watches, cameras and fountain pens) to school.
Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones, walkman, i-pods, CD, novels, newspapers, periodicals, comics, MP-3 Players
or any items which may be considered objectionable to school. These will automatically be confiscated and will not be returned.
- 16. Running and shouting inside the school building is forbidden and unbecoming. The students must always greet their teachers,
elders and friends in a pleasant and low tone of voice wherever they meet them in the school or outside.
- 17. Students are responsible to school authorities for their conduct not only in the School but also for their general
behavior outside. Any report or observed objectionable conduct outside the School on the part of the pupils will make them liable to disciplinary action. It is expected that through their good behavior they enhance the prestige of the school.
- 18. No pupil shall leave the school premises during the school hours of recess without the written application from their parents
counters-signed by the Principal/School office. These applications must be submitted in the office before the class begins.
Parents or someone responsible should accompany him/her if he/ she is late to school or wants to leave the school during the .school hours.
- 19. No collection for any purpose whatsoever may be made in the school without the permission of the Principal.
- 20. Students shall not offer gifts or entertain teachers without the permission of the Principal.
- 21. Students are not allowed to celebrate their birthday in school with cakes, soft drinks, pastries and other expensive items. Party dresses are not permitted.
- 22. Leave of absence is not granted without PRIOR WRITTEN APPLICATION from parent/guardian except in cases of unforeseen circumstances and then only for serious reasons.
- 23. No one who is late or has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class without producing a
leave application duly signed by the parent! guardian.
- 24. Repeated absence from school for more than ten consecutive days without leave or unexplained absence renders
the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Readmission, if granted, will be done on payment of Rs. 500.
- 25. A student returning to school after suffering from the infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor's certificate to the effect that the child is fit to rejoin.
The Prescribed period of quarantine is:
- 1. Chicken Pox : Six days after the disappearance of the first crop of vesicles.
- 2. Measles: Seven days from the appearance of the rash.
- 3. Mumps: Until the swelling of salivary glands has subsided which may be after nine days from the
appearance of distinctive symptoms.
- 26. The promotion of the students who are regularly sick and fall short of the required 85% of attendance can be affected.